EROTICALITILITIES is a durational performance made up of work-out routines turned into beautiful sequences. Launs’ intention with the work is to play with the libidinal impulses found in workout culture and the utility –as well as the inessential nature– of such spaces to facilitate desirable bodies. Laun creates a precarious balance between the steadiness of heavy weights and the slipperiness of baby oils. With free weights, chin-up bars, bicycle parts, and masks Laun’s choreography creates a flurry of small homoerotic performative moments. The oscillation between choke slams and tender spooning are done with precision to the electronic rhythms produced by Tarik Hindic (NO/BA) and (Future Suburban Contemporary) FSC-Eternal Sound Experience #1 (NO/ DK/DE/MX).
Galleri Knipsu 2018

A performance by NDRAP Development in collaboration with Tariq Hindic & the Avalanche Boys.
Concept, Choreography and Costume Design by Myclef Laun.